Na vila de Xijiang Miao (西江苗寨), uma garota descansa em frente a um rio. Essa vila pertence ao Parque Nacional do Monte Leigong, no condado de Leishan, centro da China, e é um dos lares do povo Miao - uma das 55 minorias étnicas chinesas. Lá, onde o tempo parece ter parado de fluir entre as montanhas verdes e as plantações de arroz, é possível entender um pouquinho do que realmente se trata a paz.
In the Xijiang Miao Village (西江苗寨), a girl rests in front of a river. This village belongs to the Mount Leigong National Park, in Leishan county, center of China, and it's one of the homes of the Miao people - one of the 55 Chinese minorities. There, where time seems to have stopped flowing among the green mountains and the rice fields, it's possible to understand a little bit of what peace is really about.
In the Xijiang Miao Village (西江苗寨), a girl rests in front of a river. This village belongs to the Mount Leigong National Park, in Leishan county, center of China, and it's one of the homes of the Miao people - one of the 55 Chinese minorities. There, where time seems to have stopped flowing among the green mountains and the rice fields, it's possible to understand a little bit of what peace is really about.
Olhando para foto é quase inevitável não deixar se levar pela seneridade do lugar.
Ana Paula C.